The Project

Climate change is one of the greatest threats to sustainable development.
The last five years have been the warmest on record since 1880. Sea levels
are rising and more frequent natural disasters, such as cyclones and tropical storms, are threatening people’s homes and livelihoods. Tackling climate change requires action at all levels of society, from individuals and educators
to policy makers and businesses. By promoting awareness, innovation and learning about climate change, communities and individuals can be helped
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt effectively to climate change. Lots of information and educational material on the climate have been published or can be found online. This documentation helps students understand the causes and consequences of climate change and allows them to take appropriate actions to adopt more sustainable lifestyles.

However, most of this information

requires a reader with not only a high motivation, but also a minimum middle
or high school education. They do not take into account the reading level
of a large part of the population. To these people must be added a growing number of people with migrant backgrounds and refugees with poor command of the language of the host country. Furthermore, most of them come from cultures where, until recently, environmental thinking and aspects of sustainability did not exist. From these analyzes of needs arises the motivation behind the One Degree project proposal.

The One Degree project

aims to develop attractive and easy-to-use applications learning and awareness-raising materials to improve or introduce environmental awareness among young people and vulnerable adults (with a particular focus on women) with lower educational attainment levels, especially refugees and people with a migrant background. They must therefore be introduced to the subject and pushed towards a new cultural framework in which the environmental theme assumes great importance. In addition, the project will also target adult and vocational education trainers, teachers and other 'front liners' who will receive educational support on how to raise awareness on the challenges of the environment and climate change among vulnerable and disadvantaged people and on how to develop green skills and competence strategies that better respond to the needs of these target groups.