Project Results

Project Results

Educational Kit

will guide adult learners to understand what climate change means:
- Is it really getting warmer? - How much warmer is one degree? -
Can you even feel one degree difference? - Why are there different climate zones on earth? - How does the greenhouse effect work? Starting from simple questions, the connections between climate, weather, atmosphere, energy, traffic, housing, food etc. will be explained. We will use simple language and short text in combination with graphical illustrations to spark interest and curiosity of users with low educational background. We will also show how our everyday actions influence the climate. And how everyone can protect the earth. The interactive Educational Kit will be available in English, Italian, Greek and Estonian. Parts of the content will also be available as podcast or can be activated by smart-home voice assistants such as Alexa or Siri. Important parts of the Educational Kit will also be translated into Arabic, which is predominantly spoken by seven per cent of multi-person households with a migration background. In this way, we will also reach family members, especially women who are not working and who are usually are less fluent in the language of the host country.

E-learning course for trainers in adult education

is primary addressed to teachers and vocational education trainers, refugee workers and migrant counsellors. It will guide educators through methodologies and contents related to teaching adults about the connections between climate, weather, atmosphere, energy, traffic, housing, food etc. It represents the main instrument aimed to help educators to spark interest and curiosity of users with low educational background.

Handbook targeted to adult public with lower educational level

The need for climate education has increased lately for the following reasons:

1. Impacts of climate change are increasingly evident in nature and society, both globally and locally.
2. There are many fallacies and preconceptions about climate change.
3. Climate change is a pervasive phenomenon that comprehensive learning abilities, which are not only based learning by heart but are closely linked
to understanding complex relations between phenomena and implementing acquired knowledge.

The Handbook will be targeted to the general public of adults with low educational skills.
The Handbook explains and demonstrates the main elements of climate education which include building a sustainable future, inspiring action and practices influencing skills at social and personal levels. It will contain best practice which will show that it is imperative not only to learn to understand climate change but also to change one’s own behaviour and actions.
The Handbook will also show that the fundamental values are based on so called eco-social competence. Readers will be encouraged to adopt such lifestyle and culture that respects human rights, natural diversity, and renewability, and their awareness of the urgency of climate change and learning how to tackle
it will be raised.

Join the E-learning Platform

The Web Portal supports the delivery of all materials of the project and also online interactive tools such as a blog and social networking applications. The Climate Questions Portal can be used as a virtual learning and information environment where users can be able to find the online modules, participate in learning activities, and communicate with other users.

Mobile App

The project adapts selected online materials from the Educational kit, the e-Learning course and the Handbook and in a pedagogically sound way and develops a mobile app for delivering these contents via smartphones and mobile devices. In this way, we support mobility: the learner has the ability to learn wherever and whenever he/she wants to learn