


Telecommunications Specialists: Novantel was established in 2007 by specialists in earth station satcom engineering, integration and testing of telecommunication systems. The company operates by using its own measuring equipment and tools. To expand its services and improve the flexibility of its activities, Novantel continuously invests in two sectors, regarded as the most strategic ones in the domain: Professionally qualified Staff and Equipment and instrumentation.


Wissenschaftsinitiative Niederösterreich - Science Initiative Lower Austria (WIN) was founded 1990
as a non-profit association for interdiciplinary, research, consulting and education. Its main activities have been in the field of adult education and labour market related research. Since 1991 WIN
has become active in European projects, especially in managing and coordinating scientific cooperation in European research and education programmes. WIN is registered member of various European research organisations, e.g. at the European Training Village (CEDEFOP), Euroscience and the European Association of Vocational Training Providers. With some 20 experts, lecturers and trainers who cover the various working fields, WIN is managing and coordinating scientific cooperation and educational projects in European research and education programmes. Since 2008, WIN has been acting as operative partner or coordinator in European transnational projects.


Tecomsa is a leading firm in IT & Telecommunication, UPS solutions, digital Marketing, and Software development. The mix of applied business experience with solid technology delivery capabilities allows us to better understand the client’s needs and propose strategies in various fields that are in line with
the latest cutting-edge technologies.